Missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are the most friendly, outgoing, and innocuous people on the planet. So why are so many afraid of us? What is it about the name of Jesus Christ on our chest or our clean appearance and bright smile that is so threatening?

First, there are still many people who believe the “dirty little secrets” that have been passed down for generations. Members of this Church don’t have horns, we don’t have multiple wives, nor do we worship a false god in our holy temples. We are devoted disciples of Jesus Christ and His incredible Gospel.

So if none of the rumors are true, what is the problem? This brings us to the second reason for being afraid, and it comes mostly from the clergy of other denominations. We’re bad for business. It’s no secret that missionaries steal members from other churches. Why? Because we are agents of change. We help answer the questions of the soul that others can’t. We ask followers of Jesus Christ to do more than simply confess Him and expect to float peacefully into heaven. He never taught that! We are expected to take up our cross and follow Him. We strive to become as Christ-like as we can, knowing that it is only through the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ that we can enter Heaven, after all we can do.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Christ’s Church, restored to the earth. It has the authority to administer sacred ordinances that bind us to God and Jesus Christ. No other church can make that claim. We are a covenant-making and covenant-keeping people. And that covenantal difference causes concern and fear in those who prefer believing the rumors and false information.

As we prepare for Christ’s Second Coming, doesn’t it make sense that He would restore His Church before he comes? I invite you to consider whether Jesus Christ’s Church exists on earth today. I assure you with my whole heart and soul that it does, and we missionaries would love to share more. Put away your fears, open a conversation, and let’s discuss the greatest news the world has ever known – Jesus Christ and His Restored Gospel. There is so much peace and happiness that await you once you hear and embrace this glad message.