request a visit
Capture and share Faith Stories in every language to invite all to come unto Christ and His Restored Church.
What is a Faith Story?
A Faith Story is a 5-8 minute recorded audio/video interview with members of the Church, spoken in their native tongue with added English subtitles. Special focus is on new and returning members, and immigrants whose first language is not English.
Who Benefits?
- Guests who share their story:
- Are reminded of the roots of their faith
- Increase their testimony by sharing it
- Receive a valuable method to share their faith with frineds and strangers alike
- Friends of the Church:
- Learn of the Faith Stories of those who speak their language and with whom they can personally relate
- Missionaries:
- Have ready access to sharable Faith Stories in the native tongue of those they teach
- An additional source for sharing through social media
- Ward/Branch Leadership:
- Effective way to strengthen new and returning members
- Inclucive of immigrants whose first language is not English
- Useful material for holding Faith Story firesides and 5th Sunday discussions
How Can My Ward/Branch Participate?
Complete the Visitor Request and submit. We will schedule our one-time visit based on your ability to fill our schedule, and ourĀ limited available time.