Taiwan is an exotic country with incredible temples and shrines. There are gods everywhere, and to Keling Liu, it became confusing. Later, when he was introduced to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, he learned of a loving Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. He also learned of other temples, where he and his wife were sealed for time and all eternity. Keling still loves the beauty and much of the culture in Taiwan. But he also knows who he worships and where he is going.


台湾是一个充满异国情调的国家,拥有令人难以置信的寺庙和神社。到处都是神,这对刘克令来说,变得很混乱。后来,当他被介绍到耶稣基督后期圣徒教会时,他了解到有一位慈爱的天父和他的儿子耶稣基督。他还了解到其他寺庙,在那里他和他的妻子被封印了时间和永恒。 Keling 仍然热爱台湾的美丽和大部分文化。但他也知道他崇拜谁以及他要去哪里。

Táiwān shì yīgè chōngmǎn yìguó qíngdiào de guójiā, yǒngyǒu lìng rén nányǐ zhìxìn de sìmiào hé shénshè. Dàochù dōu shì shén, zhè duì liúkèlìng lái shuō, biàn dé hěn hǔnluàn. Hòulái, dāng tā bèi jièshào dào yēsū jīdū hòuqí shèng tú jiàohuì shí, tā liǎojiě dào yǒuyī wèi cí’ài de tiān fù hé tā de érzǐ yēsū jīdū. Tā hái liǎojiě dào qítā sìmiào, zài nàlǐ tā hé tā de qīzǐ bèi fēngyìnle shíjiān hé yǒnghéng. Keling réngrán rè’ài táiwān dì měilì hé dà bùfèn wénhuà. Dàn tā yě zhīdào tā chóngbài shéi yǐjí tā yào qù nǎlǐ.

There is Only One God

Origin: Taiwan

Recorded: Winnipeg, MB Canada

Published: February 25, 2025

Length: 7:11