St. Peter's Naughty List
The World’s 100 Lamest Excuses that keep people from Heaven
1. I lost my keys
2. I slept in
3. I didn’t have a tie
4. I felt unworthy
5. I didn’t feel like going
6. It was opening weekend for the hunt
7. The fish were biting
8. I was sick of hypocrites
9. Someone said something mean behind my back
10. I felt judged
11. My socks didn’t match
12. I thought it would be boring
13. The high council guy was speaking
14. I had a headache
15. It was raining
16. I thought it might rain
17. It was too hot
18. My car wouldn’t start
19. It was too far
20. It was too nice to be indoors
21. I could get closer to God out in nature
22. Company came from out of town
23. Our children stopped attending and we wanted to be with them
24. I smoked
25. There was a war overseas
26. I didn’t have anything to wear
27. I had to mow my lawn
28. My socks didn’t match
29. The game was on
30. The game would soon be on
31. The game highlights were on
32. There was a storm brewing somewhere out west
33. There were reels to watch
34. I was following my followers
35. I saw a mouse
36. I had the sniffles
37. I hadn’t studied the Sunday school lesson
38. My friend was sad
39. My hair didn’t go right
40. I decided to go maybe next time
41. A church leader offended me
42. My neighbor offended me
43. I was too fat
44. It was the day before my new job
45. I got fired
46. I was born again and needed nothing more
47. I was afraid someone would ask me to pray
48. I hate crowds
49. I hate goodie-goodie people
50. I had a tattoo
51. I had to shovel snow
52. My goldfish died
53. I had to wash my hair
54. I had to water my plants
55. My cat had hemorrhoids
56. I didn’t know it was Sunday
57. I wanted to avoid that one woman who sings too loud
58. My phone died
59. There was a sale downtown
60. I had to vacuum my car
61. I couldn’t find the remote
62. Daylight savings time messed me up
63. I was just too tired
64. I pulled a muscle
65. There was no milk in the fridge
66. The pews were too hard
67. I hated to feel guilt
68. I didn’t like shaking hands
69. My horoscope said to avoid large crowds
70. My dog was lonely
71. I got hungry
72. I stayed home to read my Bible but fell asleep instead
73. I didn’t need someone telling me to repent
74. I repented but messed up again
75. The Church was too cold
76. I had to repaint my fence
77. The neighbor’s dog kept me awake all night
78. My shirt was wrinkled
79. I ran out of excuses, so I stayed home to think of one
80. I thought my friends wouldn’t be there
81. Because no one remembered my birthday
82. My lucky socks were in the laundry
83. I already knew all this stuff
84. Religion just got too hard for me
85. I lost track of time and then it was too late
86. I figured God loves everybody so no need for church
87. No one said hello last time I went
88. I had a nasty hangnail
89. I was up too late the night before
90. My gerbil and I had a fight
91. I had a nosebleed
92. I couldn’t find my scriptures
93. I had to prepare dinner for the family
94. I just needed a break, again
95. I was just there last Easter
96. I had a zit
97. I thought organized religion was so last year
98. There were too many whites in the congregation
99. There were too many blacks in the congregation
100. There wasn’t enough diversity in the congregation