Rapids Ahead!

Like whitewater river running, we certainly live in turbulent times. But the challenge is to stay in the boat, stay engaged, and help one another on this incredible life journey. And if we do, one day you and I will be able to say:
  • Yes! We rode the delightfully terrifying whitewater rapids of the last days and helped prepare for Christ’s second coming and millennial reign.
  • We survived and even thrived because we stayed in the boat when the water got rough.
  • We wrapped ourselves in our safety gear every day.
  • We followed the instructions of our guides.
  • We did our part and paddled for our lives.
  • We got mighty wet and pulled one another back into the boat at times, but we finished strong.
  • We shouted for joy as we rode the rapids together!
  • Ah, what a rush!
In recent years, the Church has been compared to a ship, a boat and most recently by Elder Brad Wilcox, a cruise ship with we members as the crew.
Today I’d like to introduce another watercraft that can be compared with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
About 12 miles south of Jackson Hole Wyoming, there is a place called Hoback Junction where intrepid adventurers climb aboard rubber rafts to shoot the rapids of the Snake River. And shooting the rapids does not mean a leisurely float in calm water.
First, let’s put this adventure into perspective.
In his October conference address, Elder Gary E. Stevenson made this prophetic statement:
Between now, 2024, and 2034, we will experience seminal events that will result in extraordinary opportunities to serve, to unite with members and friends, and to introduce The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to more people than ever before.
When President Nelson ended the conference, he referred to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ 7 times.
My dear brothers and sisters, do you see what is happening right before our eyes? I pray that we will not miss the majesty of this moment! The Lord is indeed hastening His work.
Why are we building temples at such an unprecedented pace? Why? Because the Lord has instructed us to do so. The blessings of the temple help to gather Israel on both sides of the veil. These blessings also help to prepare a people who will help prepare the world for the Second Coming of the Lord!
Brothers and sisters, now is the time for you and for me to prepare for the Second Coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. Now is the time for us to make our discipleship our highest priority.
My dear brothers and sisters, in a coming day, Jesus Christ will return to the earth as the millennial Messiah. So today I call upon you to rededicate your lives to Jesus Christ. I call upon you to help gather scattered Israel and to prepare the world for the Second Coming of the Lord. I call upon you to talk of Christ, testify of Christ, have faith in Christ, and rejoice in Christ!
The best is yet to come, my dear brothers and sisters, because the Savior is coming again!
Can you feel the excitement in these messages?
When most people speak of the Last Days, they refer to wars and rumors of wars, sin and wickedness, storms and destruction. But our leaders look at it very differently. To them and to us, this should be a time for growth, service, and great happiness as we anticipate the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
Even though these last times are becoming more challenging every day, they also indicate how the Lord is hastening His work to gather scattered Israel.
  • More than half the temples on the earth have been announced in the past six years.
    • 182 operating
    • 60 under construction or renovation
    • 101 announced
    • Total of 343
    • How many might there be in 2034?
  • There are 414 missions.
    • Missionaries in 170 countries
    • No missionaries allowed in just 8 countries. Will that change by 2034?
    • Every week, nearly 2,000 missionaries are sent around the world to testify of Jesus Christ
    • You have the chance to share your Faith Story in your own language to help your own people hear the glad news of the Restored Gospel. Please schedule a time with us today for the coming week.
  • The Book of Mormon is currently available in 115 languages.
  • Global Church population is approximately 17 million
    • Even though some people are experiencing a faith crisis and leaving organized religion, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints remains one of the few that continues to grow.
What are the dangers of living in the Last Days?
  • “Hydraulic” or “Hole”: A hydraulic is formed when water flows over a rock or other obstacle, creating a recirculating current. You may get stuck in the circulating water and can’t get out. An example of a hole might be war or political unrest.
  • “Sucked Under”: This happens when turbulent water pulls you beneath the surface. Becoming addicted to digital media is an example of getting sucked under.
  • “Whirlpool”: A whirlpool occurs when currents in the water create a circular motion, trapping and spinning objects or people. Losing focus on Jesus Christ can result in spinning in an endless circle of doubt and unanswerable questions.
  • “Keeper”: A keeper is a powerful hydraulic that holds a person or object in its recirculating current. It can cause you to tumble in an endless loop without being able to breathe. Addictions to drugs, alcohol, gambling or pornography are examples of Keepers.
  • “Strainer”: A strainer is an obstacle, like tree branches or debris, that allows water to pass through but can trap a person. Searching the Internet to question Church history or policies can create a strainer. Even Covid-19 strained some members from Church activity.
In order to survive the whitewater rapids in these last days, consider five rules that apply to us.
  • Wear Proper Safety Gear: We must wrap ourselves in personal prayer, scripture study and sacred music before we leave the house, every day. This includes wearing the sacred holy garment that represents our covenants with God.
  • Listen to Your Guide: We must follow the counsel of our Prophets and Apostles even when we may not fully understand.
  • Paddle as a Team: We must unite with fellow Saints to help one another, bear one another’s burdens, and boldly testify of Christ in all that we do.
  • Hold Your Paddle Correctly: As we approach the most difficult rapids ahead, we must get on our knees, grip our paddle, and follow the directions of our guide exactly. If we lay aside our paddle or sit down in the boat to hold onto the safety ropes, we’ll most likely get thrown overboard. Oddly, it is the force of the water against our paddle and our constant engagement in the rapids that keeps us balanced and safe.
  • Stay Calm if You Fall In: Falling from the raft does not mean death, but we must never do so on purpose. If we go overboard, we must repent and climb aboard as early as possible.
If we do these things, we have no need to fear, and can instead experience:
  • Adrenaline Rush: The unpredictability of the rapids and the challenges of navigating through fast-moving water in these last days can be rewarding and even thrilling.
  • Connection with Nature: Today, we can immerse ourselves in the greatest work the world has ever known, the gathering of Israel.
  • Teamwork and Camaraderie: These days require a team effort, and we can all participate as Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
  • Sense of Accomplishment: Successfully navigating challenges of the last days will reward us with celestial joy after we leave this life, or perhaps even meet Christ when he comes again.
Just Think of It!
If we are true and faithful to our covenants, one day you and I will be able to say:
  • Yes! We rode the delightfully terrifying whitewater rapids of the last days and helped prepare the way for Jesus Christ’s second coming and millennial reign.
  • We survived and even thrived because we stayed in the boat when the water got rough.
  • We wrapped ourselves in our safety gear every day.
  • We followed the instructions of our guides.
  • We did our part and paddled for our lives.
  • We got mighty wet and pulled one another back into the boat at times, but we finished strong.
  • We shouted for joy as we rode the rapids together!
  • Ah, what a rush!