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united in Christ
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We live in an age of divisiveness that alienates otherwise very good people from one another. But Jesus Christ was not about separating people. He taught us to love one another, forgive one another, and let our light so shine before men.
Coming together as followers of Jesus Christ first and foremost provides the backdrop for congregations of faithful members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in central Canada. Here, every person matters and no one is ignored or left behind due to prejudice or social ranking, just as Jesus taught.
May God help us unite in our love for Jesus Christ, forgetting our differences, and helping one another stand up for Christ in all that we do!
gathering to canada
Central Canada offers a kaleidoscope of humanity from around the world. People from every continent gather here to find increased peace in their faith, allowing the same privilege to others. The variety of diverse ethnicities and nationalities is a celebration of oneness found in few other places.
This website is dedicated to the faith pioneers who come from every continent and speak a variety of languages, all pointing to Jesus Christ as Savior and Redeemer of the world.
Here, you’ll find a collection of these Faith Stories in the native language of each guest (with English subtitles) that will warm your heart and renew your own faith in Jesus Christ and His Gospel of Peace on earth today.
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Time Begins Here
For over 2,000 years, time has been measured from the birth of a tiny baby, born in an obscure stable, to poor parents without special notoriety. And since then, time has been measured based on that event. We now refer to historical events prior to Christ as B.C....
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In a world of bad news, noise, and confusion, it’s refreshing to learn how others find peace in their faith.