Meet Thompson Mission Church
We like to worship with people of other faiths, and try to do so on occasion. Just yesterday we attended services with a congregation that appeared to be mostly Mennonite families. We were very impressed with the service, the Spirit present, and how similar so many of their beliefs are to ours.
Our new friend is a lay pastor at the church, and we hope to become closer in the next few weeks. He and his wife have agreed to share their faith story with us soon.

Missionary Walk About
We met Mathias (pictured during our recording session with him) while we walked in the Nickel Days parade last week. He is the lead journalist for the local newspaper. (Yes, they still have an active newspaper here).
READ the feature article he did on us just this week.

So Many Ways to Minister
There are many ways to do missionary work, and very little of it can be done while sitting in our apartment. This little poster is taped inside our apartment door to remind us to not get too comfortable “in the nest”.