Since the death of Christ and the loss of his Church from the earth, there have been false practices and strange doctrine circulated among men. And many of these appeal to the carnal mind, such as to eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die, and then we’ll be forgiven and welcomed into Heaven by a loving Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. After all, why would God not permit all His children to dwell with Him since He loves them, right?
Anyone who preaches that we need only confess Jesus and have one “born again” experience to qualify for Heaven, is mistaken. No matter what kind of religious collar or holy vestment they may wear, we must see beyond that myth. Christ himself never taught such thin beliefs. On the contrary, He taught us to love God and one another, repent, be baptized, receive the Holy Ghost, and keep all His commandments. His was never a doctrine that would allow us to sneak into Heaven merely by claiming that we believe. Even the devils believe.
Read Matthew chapter 5 to be reminded that we must be meek, hunger and thirst after righteousness, be merciful, pure in heart, peacemakers, and sometimes persecuted for His name’s sake. We are to be the salt of the earth, a light to the world, not be angry with our brother, love our enemies, and never lust after another. We are to take up our cross and follow Him, and the weight of that cross will not at times be easy to bear. He would never have commanded us to be perfect as His Father is perfect, if He didn’t mean it.
Of course we can’t earn our way into Heaven by our actions alone. It is only through the grace, mercy and atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ that we can hope to make it. But we are invited to become His diligent disciples and not merely casual Christians. Indeed, faith, without works, is dead.
Christ’s true Church has been restored to the earth. It is called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It contains the fullness of His doctrine, priesthood authority, and holy covenants that can bind us to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
There is no free pass into Heaven, nor easy way to live life in the party zone and expect Heaven as a reward. We cannot dwell with God, Christ, and all the holy saints who gave their all to build His Kingdom, unless we are willing to do the same. Beware of anyone who tries to tell you otherwise.
That is fake faith.