Faith Reboot
We come to this earth in pure innocence, ready to learn and grow, trust and love freely. Within our first few years, we develop a personality unique from anyone else, which is a clue that we came here with a spirit inside us. That spirit is infinitely more intelligent than anything our finite brain can conjure. Along with our spirit, each child comes pre-programmed to intuitively know right from wrong, called the Light of Christ. There are also other spirits around us daily, which we cannot see, who will give us promptings, protection, and knowledge if we seek them. There are family and others to teach us the way, so we develop a natural ability to discern the right path for our lives.
But as we grow from our childlike faith and innocence, the world happens to us. We begin to question things we have been taught, and doubts creep in regarding spiritual things. If we can’t see it, is it real? If we are not careful, our mind can overwhelm our spirit until it is smothered in muddled confusion. We are also surrounded by unlimited amoral information. Worldly thinking appeals to our carnal self, which is both lazy and pleasure seeking. We may reach a point of information overload where our purity is gone, our faith has died, and we strive in vain to solve all the unsolvable riddles that plague us. Life gets both confusing and depressing.
It’s time for a reboot of our faith.
Start by unplugging from all worldly distractions and unreliable information, including the philosophies of men (mingled with scripture). This should include behaviors or substances that cloud our minds and muzzle the spirit within us. We must create an environment of calm for a restart.
Next, we must remember who we once were and what we believed. Childlike faith is a very real thing, and it can be refreshed in adulthood. This remembering prompts behaviors we may have forgotten or ignored for a long time.
While a full reboot may take many months to achieve, it is often much quicker than we might think. Our spirit is waiting for the opportunity to speak, along with both spirits and mortals who are eager to help with our return.
Beginning today and for 30 days:
Pray vocally twice each day, asking Heavenly Father if He is there, and for His help.
Read and ponder three pages from the Holy Bible or Book of Mormon daily, asking for divine help to understand it.
Attend Church services weekly, and serve as you are able.
Repent of sins or behaviors not in harmony with righteous values.
Associate with those who share your standards.
At the end of your reboot month, examine your life to see if you feel happier, more peaceful, and willing to continue your journey of faith. It has been my experience that those who follow this reboot process will, in every case, find their lives uplifted as a result.
I live and apply these steps to the best of my ability every day. These form the foundation of who I am and the direction my soul is moving toward Christlike attributes. These behaviors, in addition to holy covenants I have made with God and Jesus Christ, bind me to them and keep me true and faithful to the very end.
So, you have a choice. You can cling to the world and all the glitz and tinsel it has to offer, which is ultimately just dust in the wind, or you can take steps to reboot your faith and find the childlike joy you once felt. A joy that only God can offer.