This is a favorite art piece depicting Captain Moroni calling the people to defend their freedom of home, family, and religion: “Come Forth”, oil on board by Walter Rane

Every week you can hear the blast of God’s shotgun as He sends missionaries from one of the many Missionary Training Centers to every corner of the globe. It’s a testament of His love for His children no matter where they live or under whatever circumstances. 

  • The map we’re standing in front of represents the 450 different missions that span the globe. 
  • We learned that in the next few weeks, the Provo MTC will host over 3,000 young missionaries at once, who voluntarily give their time and resources to pay their own way to serve the Lord for an 18-24 month mission.
  • Senior missionaries who have rallied to the call, boost the mature force by more than 45%. Our MTC President tells us there will be 150 couples coming next week, a new record, and the MTC is equipped to house just 40 couples. But, he confirms, it’s a wonderful challenge to solve.

So God is calling His children to spread the good news of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the world, and over 74,000 have answered. If you listen, you’ll hear the blast of God’s shotgun as it sends valiant warriors of the Faith far and wide. What an honor it is to be among them!

In class with the Henstras, Merrills and Smiths.

Elder and Sister Hughes leave for Portland Oregon to serve with their daughter Karen. They literally glow as they share their testimonies, and Karen will play a key role in encouraging those who live with special needs. She’s a jewel.

A final photo op with our fellow district members and our fearless teacher, Sister Gibson.

L-R Elder & Sister Merrill, Sister Gibson, RaNae and I, Elder & Sister Higley